
The unusual holes in the Mars
The Mars surface with hole
What is created this unusual hole in the Mars? Actually, there are many numbers of holes in this Swiss cheese-like landscape and others whatever you imagine about space, with all-but-one of them showing a dusty, dark, Martian terrain beneath evaporating, light, carbon-dioxide ice. The most unusual hole is on the upper right insight of this page, spans about 100-meters, and seems to punch through to a lower level. Why this hole exists and why it is surrounded by a circular crater remains a topic of speculation, although a leading hypothesis is that it was created by a meteor impact. The Holes such as these are of particular interest because they might be portals to lower levels that extend into expansive underground caves. If so, these naturally-occurring tunnels are relatively protected from the harsh surface of Mars, making them relatively good candidates to contain Martian life. These pits are therefore prime targets for
possible future spacecraft, robots, and even human interplanetary explorers.

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