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Here one will find the Physics related solution of any questions and the updated news of science and technology. We have a great team on our science study club. Our site is about to "Physicist Tech". So you really got it's value how it will be helpful for others.

Our team members list⏩
All of we are the students of physics. So feel free about your any hesitation. If you have any question you can comment us on Facebook page or the comment section below. Make sure that you have to put the full question to get solution from us.

We need to make better our younger about the modern world and technology. At least every students of any section have to know about the basic part of science. As a student of science we need to teach our younger. This is Suzan Ahmed. Student of University of Rajshahi, department of Physics  B.Sc. (Hons.). 


This is Mujahidul Islam (Naeem), student of University of Rajshahi, department of Physics B.Sc. (Hons.). Every student should know the basic knowledge about the present world. So it is essential for every kinds of students to follow our blog and our page to know the vital about science.


This is Md Sobuj Chowdhury, student of University of Rajshahi, department of Physics B.Sc. (Hons.). I think there is no alternative way without knowing the basic about science one could be a good student. So it is urgently needed to know about basic science.

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